Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eating Healthy, living healthy.

I know for for myself, eating healthy really takes a lot of of self control and self discipline. I went a year and a half without eating hardy any sugar, white flour or drinking carbonated drinks. I felt amazing. Had a ton of energy, felt good inside and on the outside with how I looked.

Why is it then that we fall off the band wagon and stay off? All of us want to be healthy and all of us want to look good. Most of the time its mind over matter. A couple things I've found that have helped me personally as I've tried to be healthy.

1) Don't give in a little bit. A lot of times thinking a little won't hurt, hurts quite a bit. A piece of pizza for example. When I'm trying to eat healthy and they bring pizza into work and I eat a piece, the rest of the week is ruined eating healthy habit wise. When I turn down a piece of pizza I have the self discipline to eat healthy the rest of the week. For 101 Healthy recipes, click here.

2) When you do give in and have that one piece of candy or that one piece of pizza don't give up. Most of the time that is why we splurge thinking, "well, I ate this piece, might as well eat another" If you slip, forget about it and move on.

3) Working out. Everybody wants or at least knows they should do it, few actually do. For me, when I work out I feel so much better about everything. When something unhealthy is offered to me I wouldn't want to waste the last 2 hours I spent at the gm by eating a couple donuts. Work out 3-5 times a week for a 30 minute period of time and see the difference it makes, Physically, and mentally. For more info on great workouts tips and suggestions, click here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Skinny on Good Fats

When you hear the word FAT, automatically negative thoughts come into your mind. Images of Fat people and thoughts of unhealthy foods appear. There are good fats that that are very healthy and far too often we go without eating. Monounsaturated fat and Polyunsaturated fat, also known as omega-3 fatty acids are the good fats.

Foods that contain these good fats are things like Avocados, olives, most nuts, salmon, tuna and flax seed to name a few. Polyunsaturated fats play a very important role in brain function, assist with normal growth and development and can help reduce the risk heart disease. Monounsaturated fats can help in reducing bad cholesterol, which lowers the risk of stroke and heart disease. They can also help in the development and maintenance of the cells in your body.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Bad Fats

Unfortunately, when we talk about the fats that a majority of people are eating, we are referring to the bad fats. 60 Million people in America are considered obese. Even if you don't have time to exercise a ton, watching what you eat can really help. In the post above I talked about the good fats. Here are the 2 main types of bad fats, Saturated Fat and Trans Fat.

The reason these are called "bad fats" is because of the effect they have on your body. The number one thing that they do is raise your cholesterol which leads to heart attack and stroke. Eating unhealthy doesn't feel very good. If you've eaten healthy for a period of time and then grab a cheese burger from a burger joint, you can feel it.

We aren't able to eat healthy all the time. Fat and Sugar Digestive Enzymes contain some of the most powerful ingredients to help lower blood sugar levels as well as assist in lowering your cholesterol. 2 of these main ingredients are Lipase and Chromium. Lipase breaks down fat so your body can use it as energy instead of storing it. Without Lipase, the fat we eat is stored as body fat and can cause plaque build up in our blood vessels walls. Chromium can help in keeping the bloods sugar levels balanced.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

5 Reasons to avoid Sugar

Reason # 1 Obesity. No one wants to be fat. Besides appearance reasons, here are some of the side effects of being obese
  • Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis, Gall Bladder Disease, Fatty Liver Disease, Cancer, Asthma, Chronic headaches, Varicose veins, Coronary artery disease, GERD, Hernias
Reason # 2 Diabetes. Diabetes can be a scary disease. Once you develop it, if you don't control it it can lead to some serious health issues like blindness and kidney failure.

Reason # 3 Tooth Decay. Nobody likes going to a dentist to start with, but tack on thousands of dollars in repairing damage caused by sugar and you really wont like going to a dentist. Tooth decay can be extremely painful and can cause loss of teeth.

Reason # 4 Stress. Eating even small amounts of sugar can lead to stress and tension which in turn usually causes you to eat more which causes more stress which causes you to eat even more which causes to you stress more which causes you to...You get the picture.

Reason # 5. Improper Nutrition. Sugar can actually rob you body of essential nutrients. It takes your body so much more effort to digest sugar that it will ware its self out and not be able to digest the healthy vitamins and nutrients you might be eating.

Killing you Sweetly

Candy. Say the word candy to a 3 or 4 year old and see their eyes come alive. Far back as we can remember in our childhoods we've been eating candy. Why do we feed out kids candy? It makes them bounce off the wall, it rots their teeth and spoils their appetite. Why do we ourselves as adults eat so much sugar? Sugar makes us fat, eat more, makes us more stressed and makes those dentist appointments very expensive.

Many of us are actually very addicted to sugar. The food industry certainly isn't helping this problem very much. They've added sugar to pretty much anything they can. An interesting fact, on a per-calorie basis, Ketchup has almost twice as much sugar as ice cream! No wonder obesity is at all time high and continuing to climb higher and higher.

For those of us that just cant keep away from Snickers, Ice Cream and other candy's, there is a simple solution. Fat and Sugar Digestive Enzymes. One of its main Ingredients is LIPASE. Lipase breaks down fat and helps your body use it as energy. Among other healthy ingredients it contains Chromium which helps balance blood sugar levels.

To summarize, all of of know we shouldn't eat a ton of sweets, but that hasn't stopped us yet. When you do, if you take Fat and Sugar Digestive Enzymes, it will assist your body in digesting it and you won't feel quite as guilty giving into a sweet tooth :)


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Proper Digestion

Almost everything we eat these day is processed. For some people its 80-90% of their diet. The problem with processed food is that your body has a hard time digesting it. You leave some french fry's on your counter and 2 weeks later they will be pretty much the same. You leave a half eaten apple or some salad on the counter and it will be a lot smaller and the much different. These type of foods have what are called enzymes. They help to digest and break down the food. Food that has been processed is very difficulty for your body to break down.

With OPTIMAL DIGESTION FORMULA contains a complete blend of pure plant enzymes, amino acid chelated minerals, and stabilized pro-biotics to help the body digest, absorb, and metabolize nutrients. In other words, this health supplement contains the enzymes that your body needs to help in the digestive process. Faster digestion means loosing weight, help with bloating, gas and indigestion.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Top 5 reasons to Eat Fruits and Vegetables.

1. Fruits and Vegetables are a great source of fiber. Fiber can help with digestion and help make you feel full to avoid over eating.
2. Most Fruits and vegetable are low in calories
3. Help reduce the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and many other diseases.
4. They are full of vitamins and minerals which make you feel healthy and energized.
5. Because they taste great!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Getting your fruits and Vegies

As kids most of us didn't like eating our fruits and vegetables. The problem is, as adults, most of us either don't have money or time to eat our daily allotment of Fruits or Vegetables. How much easier it is to swing by a burger or fast food joint than running to a grocery store to get something from the produce isle. With the economy prices going up, produce prices seem to increase.

Ever notice that for the most part, fast food prices seem to stay the same. I remember getting a 99 cent jumbo jack when I was just a boy. Guess what, 20 years later I can get a jumbo jack for 99 cents still. Financially, to get your 2-4 servings of Fruit and 3-5 Servings of Vegetables, you'd be looking to spend at least $10-15 dollars a day. That's any where from $70-$105 a week! Most people don't have that type of money to spend.

There's a way to get your daily allotment of Fruits and Vegetables for just a little over $1 a day. Optimal FRUIT AND VEGGIE COMPLETE. This is a box of 30 packets. Each packet contains 100% of your daily required fruits and vegetables in a amazing tasting powder form. Mix with your favorite juice or even have it with water and in a couple seconds you can have your daily required Fruit and Vegetables.

All the produce used to produce this product were picked in their prime ripeness and put through a freeze dry process the same day to ensure freshness and so your body can absorb and use all of the vitally vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can be lost by processing them otherwise.
