- Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis, Gall Bladder Disease, Fatty Liver Disease, Cancer, Asthma, Chronic headaches, Varicose veins, Coronary artery disease, GERD, Hernias
Reason # 3 Tooth Decay. Nobody likes going to a dentist to start with, but tack on thousands of dollars in repairing damage caused by sugar and you really wont like going to a dentist. Tooth decay can be extremely painful and can cause loss of teeth.
Reason # 4 Stress. Eating even small amounts of sugar can lead to stress and tension which in turn usually causes you to eat more which causes more stress which causes you to eat even more which causes to you stress more which causes you to...You get the picture.
Reason # 5. Improper Nutrition. Sugar can actually rob you body of essential nutrients. It takes your body so much more effort to digest sugar that it will ware its self out and not be able to digest the healthy vitamins and nutrients you might be eating.
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